


Our Services

Products and services of Fumigaciones Gonzalez with the support of more than 20 years of experience, our most important commitment with our clients is to maintain their spaces free of any type of pests, executing the best techniques of Integrated Pest Management and using the best products of the market and the best recognized brands; always maintaining a friendly and healthy environment, trying to reduce to the maximum the toxicity of the worked areas.

Rodent Control

We have the best strategies for a correct corrective or preventive control of rats and mice, by means of mechanical, physical, chemical, biological methods, etc...

Insect, crawling and arachnid control

We carry out these controls by means of manual or motorized spraying, neubulizations, micronizers, dusting, gels, etc...

Flying Insect Control

We specialize in vector control of mosquitoes, flies, etc... Implementing protocols for a correct integrated management of these pests.

Pre and Post Construction Anti-thermite Treatments

We are experts in antitermite treatments in its different modalities of pre-construction and post construction, we protect and shield your patrimony, we have the widest guarantee in the market.

Control of Wildlife and/or Occasional Invaders

We have traps for the pacific capture and relocation of raccoons, badgers, opossums, armadillos, etc...

Pigeon and/or Bat Control

We have the placement of nets to exclude birds, installation of spikes in areas of possession, as well as the application of repellents based on gels and liquids, etc...

Disinfection Services

The application of Disinfectants for the elimination of viruses, bacteria, spores and fungi, involves the use of an automatic ULV device designed to disperse the product in fine, micron particles, which will remain suspended in the air until they are slowly deposited on all surfaces.

Weed Control

Weed control consists of the application of herbicides to prevent unwanted plant species from growing in urban and rural areas, fallow fields, roads, railroad tracks, etc.

Treatments against Wood Insects (Xylophages)

Elimination of pests such as wood beetles, carpenter ants, moths, termites, etc...

Fire Retardant Application to Palapas

Application of fire retardant to Palapa, avoid fatal accidents, contract with us this protection policy and sleep peacefully.

Bedbug and/or Mite Control

We have a protocol with proven results to be applied in a house and even in a hotel with more than 200 rooms.

Pest Control in Stored Grains

We implement the necessary corrective measures for the elimination of pests in stored grains.

Eco Friendly Control

We keep your spaces free of any type of pests, executing the best techniques of Integrated Pest Management and using the best products of the market and the best recognized brands; always maintaining a friendly and healthy environment.